COVID19 Safety Protocols
Updated July 13, 2023
Because we care about your health & safety and that of our staff, the following protocols are in effect:
If you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, we cannot allow you into the salon.
Please come to your appointment alone.
Please come at your appointment time. If you arrive early, you will need to wait in your car. Your stylist will bring you into the salon when they are ready for you.
No food or beverages will be offered or permitted in the salon.
Mask-wearing is mandatory. If you do not have your own, we will have some available for you.
Please understand that we serve a wide range of clients whose vulnerabilities we cannot know. Further, staff illness reduction minimizes client appointment disruptions.
We’re all adjusting to new ways of working. Please be patient. We’re doing our very best to keep you safe & healthy.